This series of reports will provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of environmental regulations on the textile printing sector. Part III introduces the global regulations or initiatives impacting the chemicals used in printing.
This series of reports from WTiN will provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of environmental regulations on the textile printing sector. Its parts consider the following:
Part III: This report is an introduction to the global regulations or initiatives impacting the chemicals used in the printing process. In addition, the report covers some of the chemicals that are restricted within the textile industry.
In previous parts of this series we covered the following:
Part I: This report focuses on the journey the textile manufacturing has taken to reach its current state and the increasing environmental concerns arising from changes in the industry. Possible ways to reduce the environmental impacts of textiles are also discussed.
Part II: This report expands on the role of textile printing in textile manufacturing and the current environmental impacts of textile printing. It also reviews the traditional printing industry in comparison to the digital printing sector. Additionally, it covers new and innovative textile printing developments that are helping to reduce textile printing’s environmental footprint.
The upcoming series will include the following:
Part IV: This report will cover the way global regulations or initiatives are transforming the textile printing sector and what they are saying about chemicals used in the printing process for both analogue and digital.
Part V & VI: These reports will then focus on government initiatives impacting the chemicals used in the printing process. Key countries’ regulations will be analysed, as will the impact of such regulations on innovation for and business in the printing industry. How digital innovation could overcome the challenges posed will also be expounded.
Part VII & VIII: These reports will focus on the regulations impacting water and energy consumption in the printing process. Regulations will be analysed, their impact on the printing industry assessed, and the role of digital innovation in overcoming challenges clarified.
NB: A further series of reports will follow on environmental regulations for printing industry outputs, including wastewater and landfill.
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