Smart textiles for fashion, entertainment and lifestyle: Part I
-By Dr Robabeh (Zohreh) Gharaei, Dr Valentina Perzolla
Looking at state-of-the-art smart textiles in different application areas, you will find that in some textile sectors, the technological aspects are frequently overshadowed by more obvious features such as appearance or eccentricity.
Smart features and components are becoming horizontally utilised and widespread in every area of textiles. Looking at state-of-the-art smart textiles in different application areas, you will find that in some of the textile sectors, such as fashion, entertainment and lifestyle (FEL) applications, the technological aspects are frequently overshadowed by more obvious features such as appearance or eccentricity. In this report we illustrate how textiles used in these three fields have been modified in recent years, how innovative components can improve their technical aspects in the future, and what commercial products and academic research is available to further incentivise research on these topics.
Here, in Part I, an introduction into the FEL market is provided and some of the commercially available components that are being applied in smart textiles in these applications will be discussed. These include sensors, conductive fibres and yarns, conductive inks and other finishing elements.
In the upcoming Part II of this report, some innovative case studies from academia will be introduced.
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