Virus Collective leader.jpg
9 April 2020

Ep. 11: Supporting the cause through Covid-19 themed fashion


By Jessica Owen

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Ep. 11: Supporting the cause through Covid-19 themed fashion Podcast

By Jessica Owen 9 April 2020
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Katie McKenna, a representative for Virus Collective, talks about how the brand is creating Covid-19 themed fashion to raise money for the World Health Organisation’s response fund.

The company was only recently founded due to the ongoing pandemic. The founders, who remain anonymous, decided to capitalise on the situation to raise some money for the WHO’s response fund. The team consists of designers and others with a lot of expertise in the industry, and 25% of the proceeds are being donated.


An example of one of Virus Collective's Covid-19-themed designs

In this podcast, McKenna explains more about how the company was founded and talks about some of the products. Designs include sweatshirts, tank tops and T-shirts with slogans such as ‘Quarantine and Chill’, ‘Don’t touch me’, and ‘We’re all in this together’.

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